Exploring the Advantages of Over Muscle Breast Implant Placement

Are you contemplating an over muscle breast implant as part of your breast augmentation process? Ideal for certain body profiles and goals, this subglandular option provides a significant advantage, particularly natural appearance, minimizing recovery time. This guide unpacks the essentials of over muscle breast implant placement, helping you determine if it’s in sync with your aesthetic desires and lifestyle, while detailing how it stands up against under muscle alternatives.

Key Takeaways

  • Over muscle breast implants, also known as subglandular placements, appeal to women with ample natural breast tissue and to those with physically active lifestyles, offering more natural contours and less post-operative discomfort.
  • While over muscle implants offer distinct aesthetic and recovery advantages, they also carry potential drawbacks such as increased visibility of rippling and long-term breast shape alterations, which might not be suitable for everyone.
  • Expert consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon is essential for personalized breast augmentation that considers individual body types, lifestyles, and aesthetic goals, combining professional evaluations with realistic expectations for optimal outcomes.

The Basics of Over Muscle Breast Implant Placement

Exploring the Advantages of Over Muscle Breast Implant PlacementThe position of breast implants has a profound effect on the final result of breast augmentation surgery. There are two main options for implant placement: over the muscle (subglandular) and implants under the muscle (submuscular). In this post, we will focus on over the muscle breast implant placement, also known as subglandular placement.

Over the muscle placement involves positioning the implants beneath the glandular breast tissue but above the pectoralis major muscle. This placement relies on factors such as:

  • The natural breast tissue amount
  • Implant size and type
  • Aesthetic goals
  • Soft tissue thickness

By considering these factors, you and your surgeon can determine if over the muscle breast implant placement is the right choice for you when it comes to placing breast implants.

Grasping the fundamentals of over muscle implant placement is key because it affects the overall appearance and sensation of the enhanced breasts. However, the decision should not be made in isolation. It is of paramount importance to consider other factors such as your body type, lifestyle, and personal preferences.

Let’s dive deeper into the specifics of over muscle placement and the ideal candidates for this procedure.

Defining Over Muscle Placement

Over muscle placement involves positioning breast implants on top of the pectoralis major muscle, which is the thick muscle in the upper chest, and under the breast tissue. This is also referred to as subglandular placement, where the implants are placed directly above the chest muscle.

This muscle is significant in over muscle placement because it offers padding above the breast implants when situated over the muscle. This padding is essential as it helps in achieving a natural-looking contour while providing adequate support for the implants.

Ideal Candidates for Over Muscle Placement

The decision for over muscle implant placement is not suitable for everyone. Women with ample natural breast tissue are ideal candidates for over muscle implant placement. This is because adequate existing breast tissue is required for over muscle implants, known as subglandular placement, to provide natural coverage and support for the implants.

Athletes or women who engage in regular physical activities might also find this placement beneficial. The reason being, their physical activities might be hampered by under the muscle implants. Thus, subglandular implant placement could be a better alternative for them.

The Benefits of Choosing Over Muscle Implants for Your Breast Augmentation

Exploring the Advantages of Over Muscle Breast Implant PlacementOpting for over muscle implants for your breast augmentation can yield numerous advantages. Besides providing a more natural contour, these implants also ensure quicker recovery and less post-operative discomfort.

Patients with over muscle implants experience less dramatic swelling during recovery, which allows for the final results to be visible sooner. Moreover, women with an adequate amount of natural breast tissue opting for subglandular implant placement can achieve a more natural look with saline breast implants.

Let’s explore these benefits in more detail.

Aesthetic Perks: Achieving a Natural Contour

One of the main reasons women opt for over muscle placement is the aesthetic appeal it offers. Over muscle placement, particularly for women with more breast tissue, allows for the use of natural tissue to effectively cover and support the implants, leading to a more natural contour.

Furthermore, over muscle implants can provide pronounced cleavage and a subtle lift effect for mildly sagging breasts, enhancing the natural breast shape. In individuals with naturally wide-spaced breasts, the application of larger over muscle implants can achieve more satisfying aesthetic outcomes, thanks to the ample breast tissue that blends the transition to implants smoothly.

Recovery Benefits: Less Post Operative Discomfort

Besides the aesthetic benefits, over muscle implants also offer significant recovery advantages. Subglandular placement, for instance, can lead to less discomfort post-surgery as it avoids manipulation of the chest muscle.

Furthermore, the subglandular procedure is simpler with a shorter recovery period compared to submuscular placement. This means that choosing over muscle implants benefits patients with a shorter, more comfortable recovery period, without the pain associated with chest muscle disturbance.

Potential Drawbacks of Over Muscle Implant Positioning

Despite the numerous advantages of over muscle breast implant placement, it’s important to be cognizant of the possible disadvantages. These include an increased risk of visible rippling and potential long-term shape alterations.

Comprehending these possible disadvantages is key to making a knowledgeable decision about your breast augmentation procedure. It allows you to weigh the pros and cons and choose a placement that best suits your body type and aesthetic goals.

Let’s delve deeper into these drawbacks.

Visibility and Rippling Concerns

One of the main concerns with over muscle implants is the visibility of the implants. Patients with extremely thin natural breast tissue are at a higher risk of experiencing visible ripples from breast implants, particularly as time passes. This heightened risk can lead to increased concerns about implant visibility..

Thin patients with smaller breasts may not be ideal candidates for subglandular breast implants due to less soft tissue coverage and a higher risk of visible rippling. However, it’s important to note that submuscular implant placement offers improved implant coverage which may reduce the visibility of rippling effects compared to subglandular placement.

Long-Term Considerations for Breast Shape

Another potential drawback of over muscle implants is the possible long-term alterations in breast shape. Over the muscle breast implants may lead to sagging and distortion in breast shape over time since they do not provide the same level of support as under the muscle placement.

The potential alterations in breast shape due to over muscle placement could necessitate revision surgeries to maintain the desired appearance. Understanding that breast implants are not designed to last a lifetime is vital, and considering long-term preferences and satisfaction with the chosen implant placement is key.

Comparing Over Muscle and Under the Muscle Implants

As we explore further in the realm of breast augmentation, it’s clear that there are several aspects to consider when deciding between over muscle and under the muscle implants. These considerations encompass not only aesthetic results but also the impact on breast cancer screening and the risk of animation deformity.

To guarantee a well-versed decision that aligns with your personal objectives and lifestyle, it’s key to comprehend these aspects. Let’s take a closer look at the impact on breast cancer screening and the issue of animation deformity.

Impact on Breast Cancer Screening

When it comes to breast cancer screening, over muscle breast implants can potentially hinder the effectiveness of mammograms by obscuring breast tissue during imaging. This is because subglandular breast implants, also known as over the muscle, can make mammograms more challenging, potentially hiding how much breast tissue and making the detection of abnormalities more difficult.

Therefore, routine mammogram screening may be more challenging with subglandular implants, and patients with these implants are advised to consult specialists experienced in mammography for those with breast implants.

Animation Deformity: A Comparison

Animation deformity is a condition that can occur with implants placed below the muscle, where the breast changes shape during muscle contraction. This can be a concern for those considering under the muscle implants.

However, over the muscle implants avoid this potential for visible distortion during muscle flexing, thus preventing animation deformity. While submuscular placement may have advantages for certain reasons, over the muscle placement negates the risk of animation deformity which can happen during muscle contraction in submuscular placements.

Personalization of Breast Augmentation Surgery

Exploring the Advantages of Over Muscle Breast Implant PlacementOne of the most thrilling facets of breast augmentation surgery is the capacity to tailor it to your unique needs and aesthetic ambitions. From choosing the right implant size and type to deciding the best placement, every decision is an opportunity to shape your journey and achieve the desired result.

Customizing your breast augmentation surgery involves:

  • Understanding your body type, lifestyle, and aesthetic goals
  • Working closely with a board-certified plastic surgeon who can guide you through the process
  • Making informed decisions that align with your personal goals

Customizing Implant Size and Type

Choosing the correct implant size and type is critical to achieving your desired outcome in breast reconstruction. Silicone implants have a lower risk of rippling compared to saline implants, influencing the decision on implant type based on aesthetic considerations.

The Aesthetic Items Scale (AIS) is a tool used by plastic surgeons to objectively measure the aesthetic results of breast surgeries. Using this tool, surgeons can guide patients accurately to visualize and understand what their post-surgery outcomes may look like.

Tailoring to Lifestyle and Aesthetic Goals

Your lifestyle plays a significant role in determining the best implant size and placement. For women who engage in intense physical activities or sports, subglandular implants may be beneficial as they do not move or change shape when chest muscles are flexed.

Moreover, active women often opt for smaller implants, typically not exceeding a C cup size, to maintain comfort and a natural appearance. Therefore, it is critical to consider your lifestyle and aesthetic goals when choosing the right implant size and placement.

Expert Insights: Consultation with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

In the realm of breast augmentation, seeking advice from a board certified plastic surgeon is not merely an option but a requirement. They possess specialized training and experience, ensuring superior outcomes, especially for first-time cosmetic treatments.

The advanced expertise of board certified surgeons greatly influences the success of breast augmentation procedures, including implant placement techniques. Therefore, a consultation with experienced board certified plastic surgeons is essential for understanding the nuances of breast implant placement and making decisions tailored to individual needs.

Importance of Professional Evaluation

Before undergoing breast augmentation surgery, a comprehensive evaluation by a skilled surgeon is vital to set realistic expectations based on individual physical characteristics and goals. This evaluation helps avoid the need for additional surgeries to correct and improve results from poorly performed breast surgeries.

Through a thorough professional evaluation, patients can be guided accurately to visualize and understand what their post-surgery outcomes may look like. This understanding is crucial in making the right decisions and achieving satisfaction with the results.

Realistic Expectations and Surgical Outcomes

Setting realistic expectations is crucial for achieving patient satisfaction with breast augmentation. However, patients and medical professionals often have differing opinions on aesthetic outcomes after breast reconstruction surgery, which can lead to variations in satisfaction.

Patients’ personal satisfaction with breast augmentation results is not always in strong correlation with the technical assessment from the Aesthetic Items Scale. Therefore, surgeons must recognize that patients consider a wider variety of factors beyond technical measurements when evaluating their surgical outcomes.


Breast augmentation is a journey that involves many crucial decisions. From choosing the right implant size and type to deciding on the best placement, each decision significantly impacts the final aesthetic result and recovery process. Over muscle breast implant placement offers unique advantages, including a more natural contour, quicker recovery, and less post-operative discomfort. However, potential drawbacks such as visible rippling and long-term shape alterations also exist.

Understanding these pros and cons, as well as personalizing the breast augmentation surgery to your lifestyle and aesthetic goals, is key to achieving satisfying results. Consulting with a board-certified plastic surgeon ensures a professional evaluation and realistic expectations. Remember, every decision is an opportunity to shape your journey and achieve the desired result.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is over muscle breast implant placement?

Over muscle breast implant placement, also known as subglandular placement, involves positioning the implants beneath the glandular breast tissue but above the pectoralis major muscle, providing a more natural look and feel to the breasts.

Who are the ideal candidates for over muscle implant placement?

If you have ample natural breast tissue or are an athlete, you may be an ideal candidate for over muscle implant placement.

What are the benefits of over muscle implants?

Over muscle implants offer a more natural contour, quicker recovery, and less post-operative discomfort, making them a beneficial option for certain individuals.

What are the potential drawbacks of over muscle implant placement?

Placing implants over the muscle may lead to visible rippling and long-term shape changes. These are important considerations when deciding on implant placement.

Why is a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon necessary?

A consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon is important because it ensures a professional evaluation and realistic expectations, leading to superior outcomes, especially for first-time cosmetic treatments.